MACH Roundtable Ghent: The composable shift

June 28, 2024 | Christophe Lagast, New Business Developer at The Reference

On Monday, June 17th, we facilitated an insightful roundtable discussion in the heart of the city of Ghent, with key figures from a variety of Belgian and international organizations, including IT managers, project owners, and marketers. The key focus of this discussion was the potential benefits and implications of transitioning towards a composable technology stack.

Essentially, composable technology is akin to assembling a business model with modular components of technology. This paradigm allows companies to remain agile and responsive to shifts in the business environment, tailoring technology components to meet specific needs.

A primary driver behind the decision to switch to composable technology amongst participants was the enhanced adaptability it provides, enabling rapid adjustment to evolving scenarios. A situation where most of the participants agreed upon. As classic within the Belgian market, they were dependent on legacy IT systems that were robust and hard to adjust.

An additional and significant advantage that was mentioned, is the potential for improved security. Composable infrastructures inherently break down the attack surface into multiple parts instead of a singular entity, making it easier to monitor, maintain and respond to potential threats.

Prior to initiating such a transformative change, some of the participant organizations undertook comprehensive discovery trajectories, while others did too late. As a conclusion, we can say that it is critical to truly comprehend the capabilities, compatibility, and cost implications of any substantial technology shift before it takes place.

The topic of expenses and the total cost of ownership was indeed a pivotal part of our discourse. The consensus was that despite the potential for higher upfront costs, the longer-term benefits tend to counterbalance the initial investment. The ability to scale, adapt and pivot as per business and market demands presents valuable opportunities for cost savings.

In conclusion, many companies are increasingly leaning towards embracing composable technology due to its flexibility, enhanced security, and long-term cost-effectiveness. However, this does not nullify the relevance of a monolithic structure universally. It is crucial that each company evaluates its own unique needs, resources, and goals to identify the most suitable approach.

Do we MA(T)CH?

Did you like what you read? Do you want to learn more about the shift towards composable technology or do you want to explore how it might benefit your business? Feel free to reach out, we would love to help you face your digital challenges.

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